Dept. of Orthopedics
Dr. Sudhir Zilpelwar M.S. Ortho
Dr. Rahul Jadhao M.S. Ortho and Spine Surgeon
Dr. Ram Naik D. Ortho
Orthopedic Services and Trauma Facility…
* 4 – bed state – of – the art emergency beds with back up of Trauma ICU
* Emergency operation theatres only for trauma patient for (24×7)
* Mobile unit with a defibrillator, Multipara monitor and ventilator
* ICU – on – wheels ambulances with all latest equipments for prehospital care of trauma victims and pick-ups
* Accident and Trauma Care,
* Fracture Management,
* Joint Replacement for Degenerative Joint diseases
* Arthroscopy (Key-hole Surgery),
* Limb Deformity Corrections & Reconstruction
* Spine Surgeries.
* Advance Dexa Scan for bone densitometry (GE LUNAR DPX PRO)
Dr. Pankaj Basatwar D. Prtho