Dept. of Pathology

September 5, 2021

Pathology, Blood Bank and Microbiology
Dr. Satish Chiddarwar Dr. Jayanand Wadhawe
M.B.B.S., M.D. (Patho) M.B.B.S., M.D. (Patho)

An Ultramodern Pathology Set up
* Pathology lab well equipped to render
round the clock services to this state of art hospital, other hospital, as well as to all sections of medical society.
* We aim to deliver Quality reports governed by stringent quality control protocols.
Fully Automated Equipments
* Fully automatic Biochemistry Analyser
* Hematology Cell Counter’
* Automated Coagulometer
* Fully automated immunoassay system
* Blood Gas Analyser
* Electrolyte Analyser
Salient Features of Our Pathology Lab :
* Rapid turnover time i.e. fast reporting.
* Online reports availability.
* Different health check up plans available.
* Comprehensive Complete check up.
* Community health check up plan.
Whole Blood and Componant Blood Bank :
* Pack red cells.
* Whole Blood
* FFP – Fresh Frozen plasma
* Plateletes
Dr. Reema Shinde M.B.B.S., M.D (Micro Biology)